This is step by step how to install Zorin Os:
1. First, go to the Download page and download Zorin OS.
2. When the download is completed, please burn the image file (.iso) to a blank DVD (any type) at the slowest possible speed in order to avoid any errors. You can download ImgBurn if you don't have a CD/DVD burning program already installed. You can also burn the image file to a USB drive usingUnetbootin.
3. When the burning process is completed insert the DVD/USB into the computer and restart with it still in. The computer should automatically boot from the DVD/USB. If not, you should change the settings in the BIOS or press the indicated boot menu key while booting up again.
4. Press the Enter key to start the Live DVD/USB, this is a thing that lets you run the operating system from the DVD/USB without installing it onto your computer.
Note: The Live DVD/USB runs much slower than after the full installation.
5. Click the "Install Zorin OS" icon on the desktop. This opens a window where you can select your desired settings.
6. During the installation phase, you will be prompted to make a new hard drive partition for Zorin OS. This slices your hard drive space to allow the installation of another operating system. The minimum partition size for Zorin OS Core is 5 Gigabytes.
7. Follow the rest of the on-screen instructions in order to set your language, keyboard layout and user account settings.
8. The installation should take 15-30 minutes.
9. After the installation, you will be prompted to restart your computer. After the restart, the computer should boot up into a menu where you choose which operating system you want to start. To select one, please use the arrow keys to highlight an option and press the Enter key to start the highlighted one.
Tutorial How To Install ZORIN OS
Reviewed by Husni Mubarok

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