We are excited to announce you for vacant position in our
laboratory, Plasticity Control and Mechanical Modelling Lab., a research
group of materials processing which is the prime research interests
concentrate on metal.
Full Scholarship, Monthly Stipend& International Conference
Requirements for applicants:- Bachelor degree holder from an accredited college or university with relevant discipline, GPA minimum 3.0/4.0
- Good proficiency in English (TOEFL IBT 61, TOEFL CBT 173, TOEFL PBT 500, TOEIC 650, IELTS 5.5)
- High interest in the field of research involved
Here are the hiring time table schedules:
- March 21-April 13, 2014 –> The period of CV submission (Submit your resume as the first stage of application)
- April 16, 2014 –> Notification of screening process (We will inform all the applicants about their status at the first screening stage)
- April 16-April 23, 2014 –> The period of online application
For the details information please refer to this attachment or you may download it here.
Kontributor: priatama.net
Scholarship at Plasticity Control and Mechanical Modelling Lab., Yeungnam University
Reviewed by Husni Mubarok
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